• July 2011
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Have you made an Impact on your world?

Have you ever sat back and considered what your life has really meant?  You know, those times when nature stands still and you just kind of think for a while.  Quiet, still, then Whoa!  What am I doing here?

As we age and our bones start to hurt, our feet get sore when we stand up, or we deal with our first injury (young people, don’t worry your time will come so read on), we will find time to contemplate our existence.  My questions are,

“Are you happy with what you have accomplished?”

“Have you made a worthy impact on the world?”

“Have you had ANY impact at all in your sphere of influence?”

“Do you even care?”

If you don’t care, then I challenge you to reevaluate your priorities.  If you do care, but have no good answers to these questions, then guess what?  You can start to make an impact now!  Isn’t that a good realization?  You CAN start to make an impact now.  You can START to make an impact now.  You can start to make an impact NOW.  When the hammer of your life falls, did it create any sparks?  I can still create some!

So what will it be?

Here are some ideas:

  • Start today to be randomly kind to strangers.
  • Make a phone call to some younger or older people in your life that you don’t know as well as you should.
  • Share your story with loved ones (they DO care).
  • Write down some of your cherished memories, for when you are gone, so too are those memories.
  • Serve in something, a ministry, an outreach, a soup kitchen, organizing events for your neighborhood, scouting, etc.
  • Give.  Be generous to the people in your sphere of influence.
  • Listen & Engage.  Ask people about their lives FIRST.  Share about your life later.
  • Make a list of things you would like to accomplish, and do item number one.

Make a change today and share what you are doing in a comment below.