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The Flashlight

 “This little light of mine, I’m going to let it shine”  “Be a light unto the world”  “Don’t hide your light under a basket”

These are common SIMPLE phrases that the Christian person is to live by.  BUT, what does it mean?  You may think you know, but I bet this blog will add to your thoughts.

What does a light do?  It penetrates darkness.  It reveals things that would be unseen.  It points the way.  It brings to light truth.  YEP, a flashlight eliminates lies!   Think about it.  It does, since in darkness you cannot see anything, so you would be guessing and in essence lying.

Your faith, your walk with God, the Gospel is a light that can reveal the truth of heaven and hell.  Do you believe Jesus came to save everyone from hell, or did He come to help make life easier for believers?

What kind of a lawyer would you be if you never went to court, and just went around saying you were a lawyer, went to the office, and read some law books?  What kind of firefighter would you be if you had no desire to hold a water hose or wear an oxygen mask in a burning home.  You only trained to do the job and talked about the importance of fire safety?  In your gut, what would you think these people are?  Lazy?  Unmotivated?  In the wrong line of work?  Fake?

What kind of a Christian are we if we don’t share the reality of heaven and hell with the lost, weep for those that die everyday and fall into the pit of hell, burning and tortured forever?….And instead feel that heading out to church every so often, reading a bit in the Good Book and thanking God for our “blessings” is all that’s needed to make us a Christian?

Don’t stop reading now, if I hit a nerve, then it’s God talking, not me, since I too fall into this category of the lazy Going back to the light.  We have missed it.  It’s not going around and talking about how God has made your own life so “bright”.  That’s puffing yourself up, and most people will not see it as you reaching out to them, but how you think you are better than them.  You may not feel that way at all, but honestly, if someone came up to you and said, “My life is so rich, I have gone through hell and back, and now God has made everything so great!  I think you need God.  My life is sooo good with Him in it!”  would that reach you if you weren’t already a Christian?  When I wasn’t I would have laughed at this statement.  What a self righteous sounding statement, AND on top of it insinuating I NEED something, and am NOT happy…  See how that type of “sharing of the light” can fail?

I go back to the real light, the light that shows truth.  Show someone that if there is a Holy God, who is perfect, that we have all messed up in someway to have earned a free ticket to hell.  Look at the Ten Commandments; I’ve broken them all based on lust being adultery and hate being murder.  The light shines bright and shows the truth of the heart.  Help show others what is written on their hearts using the light of God’s law, then God can rewrite the story for them too.


